Groupsize: 2– 8 people
Accommodation: 2 / 3 nights at the local guesthouse
Allmeals/drinks included, availability of ordinary/vegetarian menus.
RidingPace:moderate to fast, 4-5 hours a day
Season: April – October
Day 1
Transfer from Tbilisi to Ghvevi Horse Riding Ranch. Meeting with horses in the village. Lunch.
Set off riding to Didpichviani and Lastitsikhe villages of the Trialeti Gorge. Rest by the waterfall (with bathing opportunity seasonally). Further ride to Tsveri village and return to the ranch. Dinner at the ranch and a night at the local guesthouse.
Day 2
Breakfast at the guesthouse. Set off riding across forests, meadows and hills to Didgori valley historical monument where the battle of Didgori took place in 1121 resulting in King David IV of Georgia’s decisive victory over a Seljuk invasion army.
Day 3
Breakfast. Set off riding in the mountains and forests towards Betania Monastery, a remarkable monument of the Christian culture in the surroundings of Tbilisi built in 12-13th centuries. Betania (Bethania) is an acting sanctuary erected in the honor of the Nativity of the Mother of God. The place is located in the woody gorge of the Vere (Vera) river, with two churches on its territory. Inside you will find preserved murals of the year 1207 that depict the King George III and his daughter – Queen Tamar.
Lunch break near the Monastery and further ride back to the stables, where dinner is served in the evening and a night is spent at the guesthouse. Next morning after the breakfast the group is transferred back to Tbilisi (on request the group can leave for the city in the evening after the dinner on day 3, i.e 3-day ride with 2 nights stay excluding price for the third night).